The Art of De-Googling
An approach to replacing Google with self-hosted FOSS alternatives.
Baremetal Pico: Venturing Beyond the Bootloader
In this article I’ll demonstrate how to write your own second-stage bootloader in pure C and execute a much larger program — all without using a single external library!
Deploying a docker image with AWS CDK
A how-to guide for deploying a docker image to Fargate using AWS CDK
Rust on the Teensy 4.0 - Teensycore
An overview of my rust-based kernel for the teensy 4.0 microcontroller.
Addressable LED Light Effects
My strategy for designing and managing a library of effects for a bunch of WS2812b lights
Wiring an ESP8266
A practical guide to wiring an esp8266 and implementing an initialization sequence
Generic Interface for Baremetal Task Management in Rust
An example of kernel-level non-blocking task management using rust.
SQL Where-in clause with tokio-postgres
Using vectors in tokio-postgres sql queries
Cross-compile a rust app for FreeBSD
How to compile a rust application for freebsd
Custom rust runtime for AWS Lambda
Compiling rust so it can run in an AWS Lambda
Backpropagation From Scratch
How to implement the backpropagation algorithm from scratch