Baremetal Pico: Venturing Beyond the Bootloader
In this article I’ll demonstrate how to write your own second-stage bootloader in pure C and execute a much larger program — all without using a single external library!
Deploying a docker image with AWS CDK
A how-to guide for deploying a docker image to Fargate using AWS CDK
Rust on the Teensy 4.0 - Teensycore
An overview of my rust-based kernel for the teensy 4.0 microcontroller.
Addressable LED Light Effects
My strategy for designing and managing a library of effects for a bunch of WS2812b lights
Wiring an ESP8266
A practical guide to wiring an esp8266 and implementing an initialization sequence
Generic Interface for Baremetal Task Management in Rust
An example of kernel-level non-blocking task management using rust.
SQL Where-in clause with tokio-postgres
Using vectors in tokio-postgres sql queries
Cross-compile a rust app for FreeBSD
How to compile a rust application for freebsd
Custom rust runtime for AWS Lambda
Compiling rust so it can run in an AWS Lambda